No te pierdas a The Rock vestido de Pikachu (VIDEO)

Foto captura Instagram @therock

The Rock es uno de los luchadores y actores más reconocidos a nivel mundial, tanto así que gran parte de sus películas (más allá de su calidad) resulta ser un gran éxito, muestra de ello son los impresionantes resultados en taquilla que está teniendo la más reciente entrega de Rápidos y Furiosos.

A pesar de ello, Dwayne Johnson se da tiempo para pasar tiempo de calidad con su hija, de una manera un tanto peculiar.

Como su pequeña es gran fan de Pokémon y Pikachu, el musculoso actor decido usar una enorme botarga del ratón eléctrico para jugar con ella.

The first time Jasmine's favorite character, Pikachu came to visit her months ago she was only crawling. For Easter Sunday @laurenhashianofficial and I thought, Pikachu should make a special visit once again. Well, Pikachu didn't account for the fact that now Jazzy RUNS and for 2hrs straight she wants to play her new favorite game, "I run away and you chase me Pikachu. And you're not allowed to take a break until I go night night". At the end of the vid you can hear her yell, "Peekyu" because she can't say, Pikachu. I'm tired, today's my only day off, it's 118 degrees in this costume and Hobbs keep trying to p*ss on my leg. And I luv every minute of it. Bring it on. It's what daddy's do. Happy Easter to you guys and enjoy your families. #Rockachu #DaddyPuttinInWork #TheGameThatNeverEnds #PikachuLooksBloated

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