Youtuber deja la civilización para vivir libre en la selva


Una youtuber australiana ha decidido alejarse de la civilización para empezar un nuevo estilo de vida en la selva alejada de productos químicos y ropa.

Freelee de 37 años y residente de Queensland, Australia, quién practica y promueve ideas veganas, tomó la decisión junto con su pareja de alejarse de la ciudad y mudarse a un lugar lleno de vegetación.

At one point I used to waste so much money buying designer handbags, and for what? To be admired by random strangers? To be accepted into some sort of ‘elite’ club? Envied by friends? Looking back I realise I just lacked true purpose and direction in life. I was also looking for love and acceptance through an expensive, wasteful lie. Thankfully, I woke up. Now I dream about a waste-free world and really believe it’s possible if we start with ourselves. I decided to learn a new skill that helps with this focus and am now making bags out of 100% palm leaf. They are reusable for years (depending on how u treat it), biodegradable and #zerowaste. They are also great for gifts. I know not all of you can make these bags, however, what you can do now is implement little changes into your lifestyle that will make a huge impact on the world around you. Firstly, go vegan ofcourse!🍃If you go for take away food, always take reusable plastic containers.🍃Take a photo of business cards instead of taking the actual card.🍃Shop in second-hand stores for pre-loved bargains.🍃Use a menstrual cup instead of tampons.🍃Always take reusable produce bags for fruits and veggies.🍃Ride your bike to close destinations instead of driving. BAM 💪These are only a few tips, feel free to add more in the comments 🤙 #gofreeyourself

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A pesar de optar por retirarse de la ciudad, mantiene activas sus redes sociales donde comparte parte de su nueva vida.

La mujer ahora se alimenta a base de frutas y verduras que ella misma cultiva, además de beber agua de riachuelos y asearse con lluvias monzónicas. Informa el portal Daily Mail.

Just looking into the canopy thinking back. 🌿Many of you don't know this but I grew up on a farm until I was 16. I always felt closer to animals than humans. I spent many happy hours with pet chickens. I loved them, cuddled them, they were my friends. One day however, it was time for my friends, to become my meal. No! I felt like my heart was being ripped out. Why did it have to be like this?? There MUST be another option??…Not today. Dad made me watch as he killed them. It was part of ‘living off the land’. Was he a terrible person for doing so? No, he did the right thing, he showed me the gruesome reality of my meal. The chickens didn’t die immediately and made painful blood gurgling sounds as they desperately tried to cling to life. It was devastating to see my friends killed that day, I remember that moment like it was yesterday. In fact, no one in the family liked the “process” so we put the blinders back on and paid for plastic-wrapped chicken from the supermarket. This is just one of the reasons I eat the way I do today. I now largely live off the land but these days my food gives itself freely to me. No trauma. No screaming. No bleeding. No suffering for my meals. #gofreeyourself

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“Quería inspirarme y sentir algo significativo todos los días”, agrega la youtuber.

A través de sus cuentas en Instagram y Youtube, Freelee comparte imágenes y videos en los que se le ve sin ropa disfrutar de la naturaleza junto con algunas de sus creaciones hechas con cocos y hojas que utiliza para cubrir sus zonas intimas.

So how do ya like ma coconuts? 😸…I just love seeing my DIY coconut bowl collection growing 😍It feels really empowering to make things myself rather than pay others. You might think "Oh I could never learn to do that, I'm just not good at that stuff" and that's where you are wrong. I grew up without a shred of do-it-yourself experience, I was taught by this consumerist society that it's better to just buy something rather than attempt to create it yourself. Sure, it may be quicker and easier but where is the personal satisfaction in that? Everytime I use the bowls I feel a sense of purpose and pride. You try, make mistakes (eg. hole in bottom of one bowl) but you learn and become more skilled, confident and powerful each time. Save money and become a stronger, freer woman with each project. 💪 Remember – If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you, if you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. #gofreeyourself

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También añade que se ha ahorrado aproximadamente 4 mil dolares que no ha invertido al rededor de un año en cosméticos y otro tipo de productos para el cuidado estético.

You are who you think you are … but, it's who you think you are not, that is really holding you back in life. I used to live a life of comparison, measuring my worth against others rather than appreciating my own gifts. I told myself I wasn't smart enough, strong enough, pretty enough, not worthy of being loved. It was exhausting. Some ways I broke free of this draining mental prison are: 🌱I embraced my makeup-free face 🌱Let my bodyhair grow naturally 🌱Spent more time breathing in nature 🌱Quit watching pointless drama & celebs 🌱Stopped contributing to gossip🌱Quit associating with time-wasters & vitality-bleeders 🌱Started shopping second-hand 🌱Started empowering myself and making my own self care products 🌱Regular exercise🌱Eating raw till 4 and mainly raw fruit diet 🌱Focused on developing new useful life skills. Maybe most importantly, I got grateful, and developed purpose in life far more important than my first world problems. Everyday above ground is a good day to be alive. 🎉 #gofreeyourself

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11 years ago I renamed myself Freelee during a waterfast because freedom is what I hold most sacred in life. Since then I've been shedding the layers that hold me back. I freed myself from the 9-5 slave drive and moved to the jungle. I spend most of my day nude; free of restrictive clothing. I feast mostly on organic fruits and vegetables picked from the land. I shower in monsoonal rains and drink from pristine creeks. I quit an unhealthy relationship and found peace. I haven't shaved my bodyhair, dyed my hair, or worn makeup in over 6 months… I'm feeling freer than ever in life. This is not random good luck! You too CAN create this freedom, and I'm here to inspire you.🤝 #gofreeyourself (ps- I do not recommend water fasts).

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