Famosas festejan Día de la Independencia de EEUU


ESTADOS UNIDOS.- Cantantes, actrices y famosas estadounidenses han compartido en sus redes sociales fotografías de cómo celebran este 4 de julio, día en el que se conmemora la Independencia de Estados Unidos; se celebra la emancipación de las trece colonias americanas que eran dominio de Gran Bretaña.

Los actores Kristen Bell y Dax Shepard

#happy4thofjuly #jammies

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Paris Hilton

Happy 4th of July! 🎉🎉🇺🇸👸🏼🇺🇸🎉🎉

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Kendall Jenner


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Kate Upton

You know you nailed the holiday when you show up wearing a flag🤗🇺🇸❤❤ #happy4th

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Miley Cyrus

Independence Day reminds me of the time I got to be a total tourist in D.C. while campaigning for @hillaryclinton @georgemasonu AND then had dinner at the Supreme Court hosted by Sonia Sotomayor ! Best day ever! ❤️💙❤️💙 Through all of the ups and downs of this country I love America very much …. The US will always be home and I am very grateful for the freedom I've been given ….. BUT there is still so much work to be done….. We were built on JUSTICE FOR ALL yet that isn't always the case …. those before us fought for our rights and we will continue that fight until every life is treated with equal respect and value! Sending so much love around the world today along with my country! ❤️💙❤️💙 It's a Party In The USA !

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Cindy Crawford

Red, white, and blue everything. Happy 4th! 🇺🇸

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